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Commissions are OPEN


Tilaustyö on oiva tapa saada visuaalinen ilme hahmollesi tai taidetta olohuoneesi seinälle. Yksilöity taideteos on myös hieno lahjaidea.

Tilaustyö voi aiheeltaan olla lähestulkoon mitä vain. Annetut esimerkit ovat yleisimmin tilattuja aiheita. Hinnasta, tekniikasta ja aiheratkaisuista voidaan neuvotella, mikäli tilaus ei helposti sovi tiettyyn kategoriaan. Tilauksen toteuttaminen vie aiheesta ja koosta riippuen yleensä 1-6 viikkoa.

Kerro ideastasi, toiveistasi ja toivomastasi aikataulusta sähköpostilla:

Luethan tilausehtoni ennen tilaamista:


Commissioned art is an excellent way to get a visual look for your character or art on the walls in your home. A personalized artwork is also a great gift idea.

The subject of the commission can be just about anything. The examples I've given are just the most commonly ordered commissions. The price, technique and subject can be negotiated on, if the commission doesn't fit in any category. Completing a commission will usually take 1 to 6 weeks, depending on subject and size.

Describe your idea, wishes and preferred deadline by email:

Please read my ToS before commissioning:

Pricing examples for character illustrations (traditional or digital art):

Complex and very detailed ideas, or additional characters raise the price.

Pricing examples for custom traditional paintings:

Price depends on size and complexity. The client pays any possible shipping costs.

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